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Hidden Science Map

I have added myself to the Hidden Science Map and written a profile. This asked about my education and route into mathematics, a week in my life, what attracted me to what I do, & more. Here is its description of itself:

The Hidden Science Map has been created to show how much science goes on all around us.

The best way of understanding how the map works is to have a play with it. (If you haven’t already.)

The more science, technology, engineering and maths people, and organisations, who put a profile on using our profile questionnaires, the more pins there are to explore, and the more interesting the searches will be.

It’s for school students, parents, and anyone who’s curious about science and its applications to be able to see that ‘science’ goes on all over the place. It’s not just in university laboratories, and it’s being done by all sorts of people, not just ones wearing white coats. (You should be on the map too though, white coated university science people.)

In case you’re wondering, that’s why it’s called ‘Hidden’ Science Map. A lot of science, engineering, technology and maths jobs frankly don’t get the profile they deserve. If someone has trained as a science person but uses the skills in other sorts of jobs, that’s even harder to visualise. The map should serve to bring all this out into the open to inspire the next generation of science people.

It will be around for at least six months from March 2011. This is the pilot phase to see if this type of application is popular both with the science people of the UK, and the map’s visitors.

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