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‘Technology in mathematics HE teaching & learning’

On the second day of Young Researchers in Mathematics 2011 at the University of Warwick I gave my second of two talks, this time on ‘Technology in mathematics HE teaching & learning’. This is a demo of some ways people are including technology in their teaching, learning and assessment. This follows the talk on the first day, ‘Innovation in mathematics HE teaching & learning‘, which was a lively discussion about university teaching.

A recording is below:

There are many ways in which technology can be used to benefit students in mathematical sciences HE teaching and learning that you may wish to explore during your academic career. However, there are also ways in which technology can be misused, or a lot of effort can be undertaken to little or no benefit. This talk discusses developments in HE curriculum particularly relating to technology in teaching, drawing on examples from work funded by the Mathematical Sciences HE Curriculum Innovation Project, and discusses the process of determining when innovations are needed and whether they are effective.
Recorded at Young Researchers in Mathematics 2011, 15th March 2011, University of Warwick.
The Mathematical Sciences HE Curriculum Innovation Project is operated by Peter Rowlett, MSOR Network as part of the National HE STEM Programme.

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