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Math/Maths Podcast – 1 year and 50 episodes later

Samuel Hansen and I have been doing the Math/Maths Podcast (#MathMaths to those on Twitter) for almost a year. In fact, our 50th episode next weekend will coincide with the one year anniversary of our first recording.

To celebrate, we plan to stream the podcast recording live as we record it. We will record at 4pm British Summer Time, that’s 8am Pacific or 11am Eastern Time, on Saturday 4th June 2011. We have some technical bits to sort out (we can definitely do audio and we may be able to do video too) but check back here on this blog for details of where to join in. We’ll be looking for your input on the day!

UPDATE: We did a technical test and it all seems to work. The link on the day will be the Math/Maths Podcast channel on ustream.

(will not be published)

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