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Relatively Prime is funded

Well, incredibly, Samuel Hansen has done it – Relatively Prime will be funded in six hours, having now crossed the minimum funding limit. (If you want your name on the list of funders you can still donate $5 by 11:13pm EDT and every little extra will help.)

Anyway, moments after the bid came in that pushed Relatively Prime over the magic $8,000 I spoke to Samuel, who broke through his shock to give a hearty thanks to everyone who had supported him. You can listen to this recording at as “Relatively Prime is Funded“:

So after a rather long wait everyone came through at the death and the ACMEScience Kickstarter project Relatively Prime got funded. I want to thank all of you who helped make this dream of mine a reality. Right after the pledge that knocked us over the edge happened I talked with my Math/Maths co-host Peter Rowlett to talk about how it felt. Listen to how happy I sound.

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