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New NCETM contract awarded

You may remember that funding for the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM), the mathematics school teacher professional development programme, came to an end in March 2011 and the NCETM entered a “transitional contract” while a new tender took place.

Now the NCETM website has announced that a new consortium has been awarded the contract for the mathematics continuing professional development (CPD) support programme for 2012-2015. The consortium consists of Tribal Education (the previous NCETM contract holder), Myscience (who operate Science Learning Centres), Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI), and the Institute of Education, University of London.

The NCETM announcement outlines the previous work of the members of the consortium and carries quotes from a representative of each member.

Source: Improving mathematics education in all schools: the NCETM to coordinate the CPD support programme for mathematics 2012-2015.

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