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Mockus, mathematician-king

Charlotte Bouckaert shared this story on Google+. It’s about Antanas Mockus, a mathematician and philosopher who was elected mayor of Bogotá twice. It’s a fascinating read.

People were desperate for a change, for a moral leader of some sort. The eccentric Mockus, who communicates through symbols, humor, and metaphors, filled the role. When many hated the disordered and disorderly city of Bogotá, he wore a Superman costume and acted as a superhero called “Supercitizen.” People laughed at Mockus’ antics, but the laughter began to break the ice of their extreme skepticism.

I think I’d heard about Mockus before on an episode of From Our Own Correspondent, but it’s good to read more about his exploits, and that he seems to be genuinely popular with the citizens of Bogotá even after his term has ended.

via Charlotte Bouckaert.

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