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Put Alan Turing on bitcoins

Following the recent trend for Alan Turing petitions to be filed with the UK Government e-petitions website, and in particular the current Turing bank note petition, a new petition shows a satirical twist:

Alan Turing is a national hero. His contribution to computer science, and hence to the life of the nation and the world, is incalculable. The ripple-effect of his theories on modern life continues to grow, and may never stop.
There is a petition that calls upon the Treasury to request the Bank of England to consider depicting Alan Turing when new £10 banknotes are designed. However, given Turing’s contributions as a computer scientist, it should be much more appropriate for him to appear on a digital currency such as bitcoins.
We therefore call upon the Bank of England to consider depicting Alan Turing on bitcoins.

Bitcoins, for those who don’t know (so don’t understand the silliness), are described as:

an experimental new digital currency that enables instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world. Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority: managing transactions and issuing money are carried out collectively by the network.

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