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Maths and Music Lecture April 23rd Thame |

Dr Thomas Woolley of Oxford University’s Mathematical Institute will give a lecture on ‘Maths and Music’ on Monday 23 April at Thame Town Hall, starting at 7.30pm. The abstract follows. Free tickets are available from Thame Town Hall.

Music is the expression of thoughts, ideas and feelings.Mathematics is the language of fact, rigour and knowledge. They seem separate, but they are linked. Join us on a tour of only a few of these connections and leave with an appreciation of both. Although Dr Woolley’s work mostly involves using mathematics to research the skin patterns of animals, he also spends much of his time explaining mathematics to the “man in the street”. Dr Woolley has been involved in a number of mathematical workshops, activities and talks for the public, such as the Mathemusica group which opened the Oxford Science Festival in March with a performance fusing mathematics and music. “As an academic I spend most of my time producing mathematics that very few people would understand”, says Dr Woolley, “The goal is to push back the boundaries of knowledge, make the unknown known, and pure mathematicians aside, make the world a better place”.

Source: Maths and Music Lecture April 23rd Thame.

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