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The life and times of Paul the Psychic Octopus

You may be aware of plans for the movie ‘The life and times of Paul the Psychic Octopus’ (starring Bayes’ Theorem!). A tweet from David Spiegelhalter, who appears in the trailer, and a blog post from the Denver/Boulder A.V. Club indicates the film is ready or nearly ready to go and will appear in June and July at Sheffield Doc/Fest, the Edinburgh International Film Festival and at a screening on July 1 in Munich, Germany, hours before the Euro Cup final match.

A trailer can be viewed below

As for local screenings, the A.V. Club recommends keeping an eye on the movie website The life and times of Paul the Psychic Octopus, or consulting “your own all-seeing octopus”.

Paul the Octopus at Sheffield/Edinburgh/Munich film festivals! – David Spiegelhalter on Twitter
Locally produced documentary on psychic octopus to première in Europe – A.V. Club

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