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MAA MathFest 2012

MathFest, the annual summer meeting of the Mathematical Association of America which “offers a substantial mathematical program that promises to be informative, inspiring, and productive”, will take place from 2nd-4th August in Madison, Wisconsin. This promises

Educational Programs, Informative Sessions, Dynamic Exhibits, Memorable Collaborations, Engaging Meetings, Special Events and Activities, Plenty of Mathematics FUN, …and Much more!

The early-bird and regular registration periods have passed, but you can still register at the slightly-increased late rate, from $60 for graduate/undergraduate students up to $350 for members of the MAA.

Find out more: MAA MathFest 2012.

One Response to “MAA MathFest 2012”

  1. Avatar Card Colm


    Going to MAAthfest in Madison? If you like mathematics and magic with playing cards, please consider my minicourse on this very topic:

    The material can be used to liven up many mathematics classes and provides jumping- off points for undergraduate independent study.

    A special feature will be examples of “two-person mathemagic,” in which communication is done via nontrivial preagreed mathematical conventions. For instance, see Erdos numbers in action in my “(Smells like) Team Spirit” effect:


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