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Math/Maths 102: Turing, mad scientist & Newton, action hero

A new episode of the Math/Maths Podcast has been released.

A conversation about mathematics between the UK and USA from This week Samuel and Peter spoke about: Turing Centenary; Shouryya Ray, 16-Year-Old ‘Genius,’ Didn’t Actually Solve Newton’s 350-Year-Old Mathematical Problem; LMS Good Practice Scheme on Women in Mathematics; On “Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma Contains Strategies that Dominate Any Evolutionary Opponent”; Colin Beveridge’s Super Subtraction Feat; DragonBox: iPhone Algebra Game; ShareLaTex; Isaac Newton set to become the next Hollywood action hero; Computing Mathematics: Tony Mann appointed to 415-year-old London College; Museum of Mathematics Opening Ceremony: 12-12-12; Maths Busking Engage U Results; Math52 reaches Kickstarter goal; Awards showcase excellence in data journalism around the globe; and more.

Get this episode: Math/Maths 102: Turing, mad scientist & Newton, action hero

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