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Inaugural ICO Alan Turing lecture

The UK Information Commissioner’s Office, the “independent authority set up to uphold information rights in the public interest, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals”, is holding its first ICO Alan Turing Lecture at the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester at 6pm on Tuesday 11 September.

According to the website, this lecture

will be delivered by distinguished Cambridge historian Professor Christopher Andrew, the official historian of MI5, who will be discussing the life and work of Turing.
If you would be interested in attending you are invited to send your expressions of interest to While places are limited we will be doing our best to accommodate those wishing to attend.

The inclusion of “first” suggests this is part of a series but it isn’t clear what form this will take. The website says they “hope to arrange similar lectures in the future to highlight important issues connected to the ICO’s work”.

Source: First ICO Alan Turing Lecture.

Via, and thanks to, @Ben_Nuttall on Twitter.

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