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MAA MathFest Day 1

The Mathematical Association of America is throwing a big mathematical party at the moment in Madison, Wisconsin. It’s called MathFest 2012 and promises to be “informative, inspiring, and productive.”

Our intrepid schoolboy reporter Colm Mulcahy is in attendance, and will be sending in pictures and thoughts throughout the three days of the event.

Here are Colm’s pictures from yesterday, the opening day.

Colm has a pretty busy day today; at 8.30 he’s introducing Karen King’s talk “Because I Love Mathematics: The Role of Disciplinary Grounding in Mathematics” in Ballroom AB, then at 1 o’clock he’s giving a short talk titled “Celebration of Mind: Perpetuating the Legacy of Martin Gardner” in Hall of Ideas E (what a name for a room!)  before his mini-course “Mathemagic with a Deck of Cards” starts at 3 in Hall of Ideas I.

If you’re at MathFest and see something cool (now there’s a joint probability distribution that’s almost a tautology) please take a picture and send it in to I’ll try to gather everything together in a big post later on.

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