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Registration opens for second run of Keith Devlin’s MOOC

If you were interested in Keith Devlin’s Massively Open Online Course (MOOC) Introduction to Mathematical Thinking in the autumn but heard about it too late, didn’t have time to take part, or signed up but couldn’t keep on top of the course, you may be pleased to hear that Keith has announced plans for the course to run again from 4th March 2013 for 10 weeks. This is longer than the seven week course which started in September.

The course website on Coursera says:

For those familiar with the  first version of this course, offered last September, this is the “stretched” version many students asked for. The overall content is the same, but the pace is slower, to allow for students whose other commitments made it difficult to keep up. (The original-paced version will be offered again next September.)

If you would like to learn more about the course as it ran in autumn 2012, you can hear Keith talking about it in a special episode of the Math/Maths Podcast.

More information and registration: Introduction to Mathematical Thinking.

Keith Devlin’s Mathematical Thinking MOOC opens for registrations (August 2012);
A trailer for Keith Devlin’s Intro to Mathematical Thinking MOOC (September 2012).

Via Keith Devlin on Twitter.

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