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International Year of Statistics Video Contest

In case you’d already forgotten, 2013 is the International Year of Statistics (I had; turns out Katie told us about it just after the New Year). One of the many activities going on is a video contest sponsored by the publishers Wiley.

Take it away, Wiley!

We invite videos of four minutes in length or less that illustrate

  • how statistics impacts individual lives, improves society, or in general makes the world more a better place
  • how statistical thinking can be brought to bear on important issues of our day
  • interesting careers in statistics (tell the world why your job in statistics is a great job, or why it is interesting and fun to be a statistician)

Prizes of $250 to $1000 will be awarded for the best videos, with special prizes for “the best videos by a person or persons 18 years of age or less and the best non-English language videos”.

Submissions must be received by February the 28th, so get rolling.

More information

Statistics 2013

Video contest details

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