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Making sense of all the recent reports on the state of mathematics education

You may be aware of seemingly endless reports in recent years on the state of mathematics education in England. Marie Joubert says that at least 28 such reports have been published since the beginning of 2011. Now Marie is hoping to “‘draw on the wisdom of the mathematics education crowds’ to develop a shared understanding of what the emerging big messages from these reports are”.

This project

uses a range of new and old technologies, such as Mendeley, LinkedIn, Twitter, conferences, email, face to face conversations and forums to provide various ways in which members of the community are able to provide their comments, concerns or other contributions.

In the meantime, a blog is being used to draw together the contributions and “present the emerging synthesis and analysis of the reports”. As well links to the reports, the blog contains background and other detail about the project.

The results of the project will be presented at next day conference of the British Society of Research in Learning Mathematics (BSRLM) on 2nd March 2013 in Bristol.

Please comment on this project via the project blog.

Further information.

Quotes and details from: A synthesis of reports related to mathematics education in England.

Project blog:  Mathematics Reports.

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