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Statistics events at Conservative and Labour party conferences this autumn

The Royal Statistical Society have announced ‘Show me the data’ events at the Conservative and Labour party conferences this autumn. Each conference will host three meetings relating to “the importance of interpreting and understanding statistics”, run by the RSS with the Alliance for Useful Evidence and Ipsos Mori.

The meeting titles are:

  • What works? How do we get more evidence informed policy?
  • Big Data for economic growth and better public services?
  • What do the opinion polls tell us and what does it mean for politics?

RSS executive director Hetan Shah is quoted by RSSeNews saying:

Statistics have the power to influence politics for the good. As part of our getstats campaign we have had a number of very successful parliamentary events over the last few years. We are building on this by holding these party conference events to really engage politicians and influencers in key debates raised by statistics.

The event pages for both party conferences (Labour and Conservative) say “the event will be held outside of the secure zone and members of the public are invited to attend”.

Further details of speakers, timings and locations: RSS to hold party conference events.

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