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Axis is Missile Command for mathematicians


Axis is a retro-styled game a bit like Missile Command crossed with a graphing calcuator. Instead of pointing a turret and trying to estimate a parabolic trajectory ending at one of your enemies, your shot follows the path of any function y=f(x) you can think of.

You’re only given a minute to write down your function, so breaking out pen and paper to calculate an interpolating polynomial is out – but using Wolfram|Alpha isn’t!

axis interpolating polynomial

A little hint that isn’t completely obvious – the coordinate system for your shot is centred on the position you’re shooting from. Sometimes it’s a bit disappointing that your pieces can be placed such that there’s no clever way for your shot to get to the enemy, because its trajectory is strictly monotonic increasing in x. Maybe a version in polar coordinates would allow more clever trick shots.

Anyway, find a friend and give it a go. It runs in your browser, and you can set up a private game by sharing a link.

Play Axis online:

via /r/math

One Response to “Axis is Missile Command for mathematicians”

  1. Avatar Liz Hind

    It’s hard! Just utterly destroyed my husband though which was satisfying. I did go for the brute force approach of coming up with a function that would reach him and then just blasting through the obstacle. I think I may need some practice.


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