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AMS online opportunities

downloadThe American Mathematical Society have created a system of online listings for people offering awards, fellowships, professional opportunities and other maths-related callouts. There’s a website at, where you can search, browse, share, and post calls for fellowship and grant applications, prize and award nominations, and meeting and workshop proposals in the mathematical sciences. Current listings include calls for conference papers, an essay competition aimed at high school students, and a call for funding bids for activities relating to women in mathematics, among many others.

The system is aimed at mathematics faculty/scientists, institutions, programs, postdocs/early-career mathematicians, postgrads, undergrads, high school students and teachers (so, pretty much anyone involved in maths), and we’ve cheekily used it to post a call for submissions of articles for our Irregulars column, where we feature guest posts from other authors.

More information

Awards, Fellowships and other opportunities, at the AMS website.

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