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Braid groups win 2017 Dance Your PhD contest

If you hadn’t heard of Dance Your PhD, it’s one of many competitions open to researchers who want to communicate their work in interesting ways – although it’s unique in that it challenges people to interpret their research topic in the form of a dance.

It’s one of very few things whose Wikipedia article falls into both categories: ‘doctoral degrees‘ and ‘dance competitions‘.

Submissions are collected in the form of videos, and judged by a panel of artists and scientists. The competition is now in its tenth year – and this year, one of the winners entered a mathematical dance!

The competition accepts entries in categories including biology, chemistry, physics and social science, and this year topologist Nancy Sherich has won the competition overall with her piece, Representations of the Braid Groups. It’s… interesting?

Announcing the winner of this year’s Dance Your PhD contest, at Science

via @AWMmath on Twitter

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