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Stanisław Ulam biopic

There's going to be a biopic of physicist/mathematician Stanisław Ulam, titled Adventures of a Mathematician.

Hollywood seems to be working its way through 20th century mathematicians – off the top of my head, there have recently been biopics of John Nash, Alan Turing, Stephen Hawking and Srinivasa Ramanujan. What I want to know is, when do we get Michael Sheen playing John Horton Conway?

There's some information about Adventures of a Mathematician, starring Jakub Gierszal as Ulam, at ScreenDaily.

via MathFeed on Twitter.

4 Responses to “Stanisław Ulam biopic”

  1. Avatar Barbara

    You don’t notice who’s missing in your list? Hint: someone not the same gender as you.

      • Avatar Steve Dunbar

        There is a very moving documentary “Julia Robinson and Hilbert’s Tenth Problem” (2007) by George Czicsery.


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