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One Mathematically Gifted and Black person every day this Black History Month

February is Black History Month in the USA, so the website Mathematically Gifted and Black is honouring a different black mathematician each day in February, for the third year.

The honorees so far this year have included Associate Professor Kimberly S. Weems from North Carolina Central University who does research into the statistical models for count data and is a recipient of NCCU’s College of Arts and Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award, and University Distinguished Professor and Associate Dean of Morgan State University Gaston M. N’Guerekata who has done extensive work with almost automorphic functions.

Biographies of the 2017 and 2018 ‘honorees’ are still available in the site’s Circle of Excellence, as are a selection of rising stars, and if you know a mathematician who should be honoured, you can submit a nomination for next year.

Read more: Mathematically Gifted and Black.

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