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Recent mathematical awards

As well as the recent Abel Prize award to Karen Uhlenbeck, here are some other mathematical and related awards from this month.

The L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards are presented each year to one woman from each of five ‘world regions’ (Africa and the Arab States, Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America and North America) in recognition of their scientific accomplishments. Until now, the awards have alternated every other year between life sciences and material sciences. This year, the organisers decided to extend their ‘material sciences’ beyond chemistry and physics to include mathematics and computer science, in order “to reinforce their efforts to empower women in science”.

The 2019 L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Award for North America has been awarded to Ingrid Daubechies for

her exceptional contribution to the numerical treatment of images and signal processing, providing standard and flexible algorithms for data compression. Her innovative research on wavelet theory has led to the development of treatment and image filtration methods used in technologies from medical imaging equipment to wireless communication.

The 2019 L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Award for Europe has been awarded to Claire Voisin for

her outstanding work in algebraic geometry. Her pioneering discoveries have allowed [mathematicians and scientists] to resolve fundamental questions on topology and Hodge structures of complex algebraic varieties.

Meanwhile, the STEM for Britain awards are an annual poster competition in the UK at Westminster for early-career researchers, which aims “to encourage, support and promote Britain’s early-stage and early-career research scientists, engineers, technologists and mathematicians who are an essential part of continuing progress in and development of UK research and R&D”. The mathematical sciences awards for 2019were:

  • Gold: Kristian Kiradjiev for ‘Modelling Removal of Toxic Chemicals from Flue Gas’;
  • Silver: Marina Jimenez-Munoz for ‘How Do Bird Population Vary Across Britain? Spatially-explicit Integrated Population Models’;
  • Bronze: Francesca Romana Cruciniofor ‘Sequential Monte Carlo For Fredholm Equations of the First Kind’.

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