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IMU Committee for Women in Mathematics now has a newsletter

The first issue of the twice-yearly newsletter from the International Mathematical Union Committee for Women in Mathematics has been published. It contains an interview with Marie-Francoise Roy, news, upcoming events and a book announcement (World Women in Mathematics 2018).

Download a copy of the CWM Newsletter here.

4 Responses to “IMU Committee for Women in Mathematics now has a newsletter”

  1. Avatar Philip

    Perhaps there could be a ‘humans in mathematics’ letter that covers all people without distinction between people

  2. Avatar 0xDE

    Perhaps there could be a corner of the internet where women's accomplishments can be celebrated without immediately being overrun by "what about the men" sexism. But apparently, this is not that corner.

    • Avatar Katie Steckles

      I’d like for this to be that corner, and as far as I’m concerned such commenters can get in the sea. We will continue to post this kind of news story, and hopefully anyone who objects will get bored and go and hassle someone else.


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