Here’s a round-up of some mathematical events and competitions that might be of interest, happening from October.
Black Heroes of Mathematics Conference
Monday 26th – Tuesday 27th October; Online Conference held via Zoom
The British Society for the History of Mathematics, The International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications and the London Mathematical Society, are holding a two day conference on Black Heroes of Mathematics. The Vision of the conference is “To celebrate the inspirational contributions of black role models to the field of mathematics”.
There will be a mixture of technical talks and a testimonial dimension from Black speakers, with a balance of career stage and gender. Speakers include Professor Edray Goins, Professor Nkechi Agwu, Professor Tannie Liverpool and Dr Angela Tabiri. Pre-recorded talks will be available a few hours ahead of the sessions, with a live Q&A/discussion.
Provisional programme – Registration form
LMS-IMA Joint Meeting: Topological Methods in Data Science
Thursday 1st – Friday 2nd October; Online Conference via Zoom
The London Mathematical Society and the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications will hold their next Joint Meeting online on 1st-2nd October 2020. This year’s topic is “Topological methods in Data Science”.
This event is part of the ICMS Online Mathematical Sciences Seminars, and a full programme will be released shortly.
Provisional programme – Registration
MathWorks Math Modeling Challenge

MathWorks Math Modeling (M3) Challenge is a free, Internet-based applied maths competition for high school juniors and seniors in the US, and is now open to sixth form students in England and Wales. Participants work in teams of 3-5 to solve an open-ended real-world problem within 14 hours. Many free resources and software licenses are offered to help students prepare.
The top ranking team in England and Wales will be invited to the final event in New York City on April 26, 2021, all expenses paid. Rules, practice problems and other resources are available on the M3 challenge website.

Ritangle competition for A-level maths students

Maths education body MEI is running a free competition for students of A-level Mathematics and equivalent, starting on 5 October. Ritangle is made up of 24 questions released over the months to December, and the winning team get a trophy, subscription to teacher resource site Integral (which supports, and is an anagram of, the competition), and and a hamper of maths goodies.
Last year’s Ritangle competition was entered by almost 600 teams, and questions from previous years are all available.
How can i get registered in this competition?