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Particularly mathematical New Years Honours 2021

It’s that time of year when we take a look at the UK Government’s New Years Honours list for any particularly mathematical entries. Here is the selection for this year – any more, let us know in the comments and we’ll add to the list.

  • Phillippa Spencer, Senior Principal Statistician, Defence Science and Technology Laboratory. Appointed OBE for services to Defence, particularly during the Covid-19 Response. A Dstl press release says this is “in recognition of her support to the UK’s decision makers by her application of maths to deliver consistent, assured data to prevent the loss of life through exposure to COVID-19, Novichok and Ebola”.
  • Jonathan Carter, Chief Engineer Stealth at Atlas Elektronik UK, appointed MBE for services to Naval Operational Effectiveness, is quoted in the Dorset Echo saying

People don’t always understand the amount of science, maths and physics that goes into the Royal Navy. I see this recognition as not just for me, but also for the group of people working across those disciplines who have been working for a long, long time on these systems. Our young scientists, physicists and mathematicians should take heart that persistent, enduring efforts do occasionally get recognised, and persist with what they’re doing.

  • David Walrond, former Principal of Truro and Penwith College, appointed OBE for services to Further Education in Cornwall, is cited by the Cornish Times as leading the establishment of the Cornwall Teaching School and Maths Hub.

Get the full list here.

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