At this year’s MathsJam UK Gathering, I had the pleasure of running one of the Saturday Night Tables – a chance to invite attendees at the Gathering to drop by and play with something. Together with fellow Manchester MathsJam regular Andrew Taylor, I ran a table of Mathematical Drawing Hacks – ways to make drawing complex mathematical objects and shapes easier.
I thought it’d be nice to share some of the ‘hacks’ we brought, and those others contributed – so I’ve included photos of each below, in case any of them are useful to you. Enjoy!
How to draw a Möbius Band
Andrew’s contribution (which slightly inspired the whole idea for the table). We all agree it’s a little bit ‘draw the rest of the owl‘, but I think it’s lovely.

How to draw a curly bracket ({)
This was my contribution – one of my students showed me this and it’s changed my life (intersection with the times when I have to draw a set bracket).

How to draw a tetrahedron in 3D

How to draw an impossible triangle

How to draw equally-spaced horizontals in one-point perspective

How to draw a mathematically plausible football (truncated icosahedron)

How to draw a lower-case ash in one stroke
Thanks, Ash!

Cool S
Scroggs just walked up and drew a Cool S and then left. Legend.

Do you know of any cool drawing hacks you can share? Add them in the comments!
“I said consummate v’s! Consummate!”
To draw the expression for a rank-1 matrix in bra-ket notation, namely
|v\rangle\!\langle w|
Draw the first bar, then the v, then (this is the secret part) draw a capital-X, then finish the w and the bar.