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\(-e^{i\pi}\) to Watch: Howie Hua

In this series of posts, we’ll be featuring mathematical video and streaming channels from all over the internet, by speaking to the creators of the channel and asking them about what they do.

We spoke to Howie Hua, who runs a TikTok channel sharing short videos to help people understand mathematics.

Photo of Howie Hua sitting by the sea. He is a smiling Asian man wearing a grey hoodie

Channel title: Howie Hua
Topics covered: K-12 math (5-18 year olds)
Average video length: ~90 seconds
Recommended videos: Visualizing the Euclidean Algorithm, My first mathematical activity, Subtracting left to right

What is your channel about, and when/why did it start? 

I started the channel for 2 reasons:

  1. I’m a pretty sentimental person and I hate things ending, so I told my past students (in my newsletter) that if they still want to learn math from me, I made a TikTok account; and,
  2. I think access is very important. Maybe someone wants a quick math explainer of why something works or they want to see math in a different way, so I try to make videos that answer common math questions or something interesting in math.

Who are you, and who is the intended audience for your channel?

I teach math to future elementary school teachers at Fresno State. My videos are aimed at anyone, at any age, who wants to feel more confident in their mathematical abilities! 

What is a typical video like?

A typical video usually answers one of these questions:  “Did you know…?” “Why does this work?” “Have you seen this way of…?”

Why should people watch your videos?

Math is so much more than following procedures. In my videos, I explain why things work as well as explaining concepts in multiple ways. 

What are some highlights of the channel so far?

A few of my picks are:

Visualizing the Euclidean Algorithm
My first mathematical activity
Subtracting left to right

What exciting plans do you have for the future? 

I’m just going with the flow!

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