The Aperiodical is a meeting-place for people who already know they like maths and would like to know more.
It was begun by Katie Steckles, Christian Perfect and Peter Rowlett as a shared blogging outlet and grew out of our desire to have a place on the web where we could keep up to date with what’s going on elsewhere, and to share the mathematical things we do.
L-R: Peter Rowlett, Katie Steckles, Christian Lawson-Perfect
Some basic principles:
- Content is aimed at the mathematically literate. This doesn’t mean knowledge of advanced mathematics is required, but we aren’t going to rewrite articles to avoid mentioning mathematical terms and we won’t go too far out of our way to explain things which are easily googled. We know that nobody is expert in all aspects of mathematics but we aren’t going to be afraid to mention stuff that doesn’t come up until university.
- We’re not keen on unhelpful attention-grabbing headlines: if the press release says “Alex the Parrot Was A Mathematical Genius” when the story is “Alex the parrot could count to eight”, we’ll use the latter.
- That said, this is just a place to enjoy maths. Let’s not be grumps.
If you’ve got some maths you’d like to share, you can do it here. To get in contact with us about something else, please email us.
Please note: we sometimes publish guest posts from mathematical enthusiasts but are not interested in offers for advertising or advertorial content.
About the Editors
We are:
- Peter Rowlett – Mathematician Errant, podcaster.
- Katie Steckles – Maths Communicator, hair dye fan
- Christian Lawson-Perfect – boring e-learning dude by day, massive koala fan the rest of the time.
Thank you for doing this!
As a child, I was told I was poor at math(s), and so came to loathe the subject. As an adult. I have come to love it, and bitterly regret not persuing it more during my education. Blogs like this enrich my life and expand my mind, so again, thank you!
Came across you after hearing last night of Zeeman’s death. I’m a retired maths teacher and came to know him during his time as President of The Mathematical Association. He was a wonderful man and the world of mathematics is much poorer for his passing.
I just learned of Nick Berry’s death; he passed away in October 2022. Nick was a brilliant, kindly man. I have mathematics degrees although I’ve mostly worked in applied probability theory. I read the Data Genetics blog since 2011, and finally met Nick online for the first time in 2021.
Nick was the host of Episode 125 of Carnival of Mathematics in 2015. Thank you for recognizing his talent.
I like maths and seem to have a natural aptitude for it. I passed my GCSE Maths at age 10 and have since been exploring advanced A-level topics. I’m still in high school now, in Year 10, and I love mathematical puzzles and came across your website. The Carnival posts are particularly interesting.
Hello, it is I, Ellie, from 2023.
A question for Kate Steckles please? I really like your Pac Man t-shirt. Might you recall where you purchased it? More generally, does Aperiodical sell mathematically-themed merchandise of any sort (including but not necessarily clothing) e.g. Klein bottles, titanium cubes?