Here’s a round-up of some mathematical news stories from this month.
You're reading: Posts Tagged: Maryam Mirzakhani
Streaming of Maryam Mirzakhani film free until 12th May

Secrets of the Surface is a documentary produced by Zala Films documenting the life and work of mathematician Maryam Mirzakhani. They’re collaborating with the May12 Women in Maths initiative to offer individuals and groups the chance to stream the movie for free, between now and May 12 (Women in Mathematics Day, and Mirzakhani’s birthday).
To get access, you need to complete this short form, so they can keep track of who’s watching it and where.
2018 Fields Medal Winners Announced
“A lot of the time, when you do Math, you’re stuck. But you feel privileged to work with it. You have a feeling of transcendence and feel like you’ve been part of something really meaningful.” – Akshay Venkatesh, 2018 Fields Medallist.
The Fields Medal is awarded every four years to four mathematicians, in recognition of outstanding achievement in mathematics. This year’s winners have just been announced at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Rio de Janeiro, and they are algebraic geometer Caucher Birkar, PDE specialist Alessio Figalli, arithmetic algebraic geometer Peter Scholze, and number theorist Akshay Venkatesh.
LMS Meeting in honour of Maryam Mirzakhani

The London Mathematical Society are organising an event later this month in honour of the late Fields Medalist Maryam Mirzakhani. It's at the University of Warwick on 22nd March, and will include talks outlining some of Mirzakhani's work, followed by a drinks reception and dinner. The event is part of a larger EPSRC symposium on Teichmüller dynamics.
maths 4 maryams
Here’s a nice thing: in memory of Maryam Mirzakhani, Amir Asghari has set up Mathematics 4 Maryams, a site with the aim of inspiring and motivating future Maryams by linking them with “maths mates”.
Tim Gowers says it’s
a website in memory of Maryam Mirzahkani. I don’t mean that it is a memorial website: rather, it has taken an important aspect of her life — her interaction with other like-minded mathematicians at a young age — and aims to facilitate such interactions for others, by the setting up of maths4maryams groups.
In short, you sign up to the website, either start or join a group, and solve maths problems together. In particular, they’re proposing Mirzakhani’s birthday, the 12th of May, as “Mathematics Friendship Day”, when friends solve maths problems together.
More information at
via Tim Gowers on Google+
2014 Fields Medals awarded – coverage round-up
At this week’s International Congress of Mathematics, in Seoul, Korea, the winners of the 2014 Fields Medal were announced. The medals, which were established in 1936, and are awarded every four years to four different mathematicians, recognise achievement in mathematics research.