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Royal Society Summer Science 2009 – my interest

Below is a video from the BBC about the Royal Society Summer Science 2009 exhibition. This interests me in two ways:

Firstly, not featured in the video is Edmund Harriss and his team who have taken a mathematics exhibit to the show, “How do Shapes Fill Space?” This is good news and will be mentioned on this week’s Travels in a Mathematical World maths news podcast, which will come out slightly too late!

Secondly, featured in the video is an exhibition on super water repellent surfaces from a group of physicists I know at Nottingham Trent University. In fact, the chap with his top off on the bed of nails is Professor Glen McHale who is Associate Dean for Research and so has a not inconsiderable say in whether I get my PhD.

Unfortunately I can’t go as I am not in London this week. If you can, between 30 June – 4 July, visitor information is on the website.

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