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Samuel Hansen’s Big Week of Podcasts

Recently, Samuel Hansen blogged*:

I am an overly-active amateur podcast host. This has been a huge week for me as far as podcast releases have gone, with a total of four different, and new, podcasts available to download this week:

The ACMEScience Podcasts

Combinations and Permutations Episode 62: Jeff Goldblum on a Tilt-a-Whirl

4 mathematicians sitting around jawing over chaos theory.

Strongly Connected Components Episode 30: James Grime

YouTube phenomenon and professional Enigma Machine speaker joined me for an interview

Sam and Dan and Buckaroo Banzai

I am joined by Dan Sai for the 1st episode of a new podcast and we talk about the ins and outs of the best movie ever: Buckroo Banzai

Pulse-Project Podcast

Math/Maths Episode 35: Why Math?

My co-host Peter Rowlett and I are joined by Ruby Childs to talk about the reasons behind why people study mathematics.

I am well aware that most people probably do not care about any of this, but I would love if every single person who saw this just went and listened to one of these episodes. Oh, and if you already listen to one of these, or all of them, I would be really happy if you reblog this and help spread my podcasts through the internet.

(* alright, I may corrected a couple of spellings. And added a little punctuation. But go listen to his podcasts!)

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