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Introducing The Aperiodical

You may have noticed a new look here on Travels in a Mathematical World. For a while this blog was designed to look like a page from my website, but now it is different. This is because I have joined Katie Steckles and Christian Perfect in a collaborative blogging endeavour we’re calling The Aperiodical.

A launch post over at The Aperiodical says

The Aperiodical is a new maths magazine/blog aimed at people interested in mathematics who want to read stuff. We post news stories related to maths, opinion pieces, interesting things we’ve found, accounts of monthly MathsJams, maths videos, and feature articles, as well as posts from our own blogs. We also host the Carnival of Mathematics, a monthly blogging carnival.

We’ve picked today to launch as it is the anniversary of Felix Klein’s birth, and we offer some shiny Klein goodies to get started. Matt Parker and Katie Steckles investigate the amazing surface which bears his name in a video ‘Top N Facts about the Klein Bottle‘.

This got us wondering – what did Klein do apart from that ever famous bottle? Christian, Katie and I investigated and found an interesting career both in research mathematics and other contributions to the discipline, including excellent teaching, editorship of a famous journal and encyclopaedia, acting on a strong interest in school teaching and promoting mathematics to the general public. We wrote up what we found in ‘Klein: outside the bottle‘.

But we aren’t just writing our own posts on the site. We’re also keen to publish reports, exposition, videos, or anything mathematical and interesting that you want to share. Recently we’ve carried interesting pieces by Andrew Taylor offering an application of Grime Dice to electoral reform (as heard on the BBC’s Material World) and Paul Taylor on how he devised the Hilbert’s Space-Filling Crossword on our Features feed. If you’d like to write something please get in touch.

You can find out more about the approach we’re taking with The Aperiodical, view pages and get RSS feeds for all our different types of post, and much more by reading the launch post: The Aperiodical.

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