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Film “The Turing Enigma” online for free

The Turing Enigma, “a dark thriller, commemorating the tragic death of Alan Turing,” is available to view for free online. First, here’s a trailer:

[vimeo 25774798]

A missing message from rogue mathematician Alan Turing surfaces as part of the celebrations for his 100th birthday… in code it provides the key to a century old puzzle that if solved will bestow academic immortality, and crash the world into chaos…
Modern thriller elements are in black & white… flashbacks to Turing in the 1950s are in colour.

You can watch the 75 minute film for free on the film’s website and on YouTube, embedded below. In the UK the film received a BBFC certification of 15.

The film is also available on DVD and VOD from Amazon.

More Information: The Turing Enigma

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