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Nominate a mathematician for the new £50 note

The Bank of England is asking for nominations for someone to picture on the new £50 note, and is encouraging it to be a scientist, engineer or mathematician.

Non-UK readers might like to know the £50 note is the largest denomination note, rarely seen by most people.

The Bank of England website says:

You can nominate as many people as you like. But anyone who appears on the new £50 note must:

  • have contributed to the field of science
  • be real – so no fictional characters please
  • not be alive – Her Majesty the Queen is the only exception
  • have shaped thought, innovation, leadership or values in the UK
  • inspire people, not divide them

You can suggest anyone who has contributed to the fields of pure or applied science. That could include: astronomy, biology, bio-technology, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, medical research, physics, technology and zoology.

More information

Think science for the new £50 note at the Bank of England’s website.

via Nira Chamberlain on Twitter.

4 Responses to “Nominate a mathematician for the new £50 note”

  1. Avatar paul

    1. Isaac Newton
    2. Alan Turing
    3. P.A.M. Dirac
    4. Charles Babbage, Ada Lovelace
    5. Rosalind Franklin, Dorothy Hodgkin (Watson of Watson and Crick is still alive and controversial)



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