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ICM 2022 will not be held in Russia – it’ll be virtual, and free

In recent days there have been calls for the International Mathematical Union (IMU) to not hold in the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) in Russia in July 2022 due to the developing situation in Ukraine.

This is in addition to previous complaints that Russia is not a safe place to host the ICM, particularly because of its laws affecting LGBTQ+ people.

The IMU announced today that the ICM and associated General Assembly of the IMU will not be held in Russia. Instead, the ICM will be a wholly virtual event – and free to attend. They are seeking an alternative location outside Russia for the General Assembly and prize-giving.

Some details:

  • The programme will follow the St Petersburg time schedule.
  • They considered postponing for a year (there’s precedent: the 1982 Warsaw Congress) or cancelling, but decided that in 2022 the solution to this problem is a virtual meeting.
  • Speakers can choose to pre-record or present live.
  • Further details are promised later.

The statement takes pains to point out the hard work of the St. Petersburg team who have been organising the event, and to express sympathy with the people of Ukraine.

IMU statement ‘Decision of the Executive Committee of the IMU on the upcoming ICM 2022 and IMU General Assembly’.

2 Responses to “ICM 2022 will not be held in Russia – it’ll be virtual, and free”

  1. Avatar Gauri Bhuju

    I want to participate in the ICM 2022 in a virtual mood. How can I register it?


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