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Mathematical Objects: Mathematics in Theory and Practice, edited by Warwick Sawyer

Mathematical Objects

A conversation about mathematics inspired by an old textbook, Mathematics in Theory and Practice, edited by Warwick Sawyer. Presented by Katie Steckles and Peter Rowlett.

Mathematics in Theory and Practice: A novel and simplified approach in which mathematical processes are related to everyday affairs. Edited by W. W. Sawyer. Odhams Press Limited

One Response to “Mathematical Objects: Mathematics in Theory and Practice, edited by Warwick Sawyer”

  1. Avatar Edward Phillips

    Hello, I enjoyed this podcast very much. I first encountered W. Sawyer in 1979. I had just enrolled for the Open University mathematics foundation course (M101) and there were two of his books (Mathematician’s Delight and Prelude to Mathematics) along with a Martin Gardner puzzle compilation on a list of recommended pre course reading. I still have them somewhere – I’m now turning the house upside down looking for them!


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