In this series of posts, we’ll be featuring mathematical video and streaming channels from all over the internet, by speaking to the creators of the channel and asking them about what they do.
We spoke to Jon Chase, aka Oort Kuiper the Science Rapper, about his TikTok channel and how he’s been using it to share mathematical raps.
Here’s a round-up of some of the mathematical news we saw last month.
Maths News
Thomas Hales and Koundinya Vajjha have claimed a proof of Mahler’s first conjecture, that the most unpackable centrally symmetric convex disk in the plane is a smoothed polygon. (via Greg Egan)
It’s been announced that the first President of the newly-formed Academy for the Mathematical Sciences (AcadMathSci) will be Professor Alison Etheridge OBE FRS, a professor in Probability at the University of Oxford, and a world expert on stochastic processes and their applications. She will take up the role on 17 June 2024.
The Shaw Prize in Mathematical Sciences 2024 has been awarded to Peter Sarnak, “for his development of the arithmetic theory of thin groups and the affine sieve, by bringing together number theory, analysis, combinatorics, dynamics, geometry and spectral theory.” (via Paysages Mathématiques)
The UK Government have announced the new set of King’s Birthday Honours. Here’s our selection of particularly mathematical entries for this year. If you spot any more, let us know in the comments and we’ll add to the list.
Philippa Bonay, Director, Operations, Office for National Statistics. Appointed OBE for Public and Charitable Services.
Anne Davis, Professor of Mathematical Physics, University of Cambridge. Appointed OBE for services to Higher Education and to Scientific Research.
Paul Fannon, Fellow, Christ’s College, Cambridge, and Volunteer, United Kingdom Mathematics Trust. Appointed OBE for services to Education.
Ian Hall, Professor of Mathematical Epidemiology and Statistics, University of Manchester and Senior Principal Modeller, UK Health Security Agency. Appointed OBE for services to Public Health, to Epidemiology and to Adult Social Care, particularly during Covid-19.
David Marshall, Lately Director of Census, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (now Northern Ireland chief electoral officer). Appointed OBE for services to Official Statistics and Census-taking in Northern Ireland.
Bruno Reddy, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Maths Circle, Ampthill, Bedfordshire, and creator of Times Tables Rock Stars. Appointed OBE for services to Education.
Sam Rose, Deputy Director, Data and Analysis Division, Department for Transport. Appointed OBE for services to Advanced Analytics
Matthew Woollard, Professor of Data Policy and Governance, UK Data Archive, University of Essex. Appointed OBE for services to Data Science
George McMath, Lately Deputy Principal, Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency, Northern Ireland Civil Service. Appointed MBE for services to the Northern Ireland Census.
Get the full list from Spot anyone we’ve missed? Let us know in the comments.
Here’s a round-up of mathematical news from the last couple of months.
The 2024 Abel Prize has been awarded to Michel Talagrand, “for his groundbreaking contributions to probability theory and functional analysis, with outstanding applications in mathematical physics and statistics.”
This year’s Turing Award has been given to Avi Wigderson, “for foundational contributions to the theory of computation, including reshaping our understanding of the role of randomness in computation, and for his decades of intellectual leadership in theoretical computer science.” Widgerson is a previous recipient of the Abel Prize.
And finally, there have unfortunately been two deaths in maths education. First, maths education stalwart and generally lovely person Sue de Pomerai has died. Sue worked at MEI, FMSP and AMSP, and made a huge contribution to maths promotion in the UK. Also Hugh Burkhardt, pioneering mathematics education researcher and former Director of the Shell Centre for Mathematical Education.
In this series of posts, we’ll be featuring mathematical podcasts from all over the internet, by speaking to the creators of the podcast and asking them about what they do.
We spoke to Marcello Seri and Marit van Straaten from the Bernoulli Institute at the University of Groningen, about their podcast, It’s Not Just Numbers.
In this series of posts, we’ll be featuring mathematical podcasts from all over the internet, by speaking to the creators of the podcast and asking them about what they do.
We spoke to Louie and Sam, two students at Durham University, who host a podcast there for their uni’s student radio station Purple Radio.