Better late than never, I’ve posted my recap of Newcastle MathsJam’s March and April meetings on my mathem-o-blog. We talked about topology, made a tiny blanket for a baby snake, failed to work a cardboard computer, and a lot more.
You're reading: Posts Tagged: Newcastle MathsJam
- Nottingham: Peter has everyone where he wants them in a game of Mad Abel
- Nottingham: Peter teaching new victims Mad Abel
- Nottingham: Mike Black is building a pyramid from four identical pieces… or not, in fact
- Nottingham: Playing the ZAG crossword from IMA Mathematics Today. 7 down is prime, 4 across is square, etc.
- Nottingham: Mike did it! A pyramid!
- Nottingham: playing with Kit Yates/Marcus du Sautoy/Dara O Briain’s Radio Times puzzle page
- Manchester’s arty tantrix photo
- Manchester: a numbers puzzle
- Manchester: A game of Perudo has occurred. We notice the dice on the box diagram are all wrong.
- Newcastle: tiling hyperbolic space with heptagons
- Newcastle: Steven has mastered making buckyball heptagons, so we have another model of hyperbolic space
- Newcastle: a buckyball Loch Ness monster!
- Newcastle: a rolling cube puzzle from
- Dorset plays Qwirkle!
- Möbius bagels at Cardiff Maths Jam
- Cambridge: the puzzle table
- A geometry problem at Cambridge MathsJam
Newcastle MathsJam January & February 2013 recaps
I’ve finally finally got round to writing up my notes from the last two Newcastle MathsJams, over at my mathem-o-blog.
Newcastle MathsJam November 2012 Recap
I’ve written up my souvenirs of this month’s Newcastle MathsJam over on my mathem-o-blog.
Newcastle MathsJam September 2012 Recap
I’ve written up my recap of last week’s Newcastle MathsJam. We had some magic tricks, debated the application of game theory to the penal system, almost played a game of rhythmomachy, and of course we solved a few puzzles.
Read my recap on my other mathem-o-blog.
Maths Jam July 2012 – Paper Enigma
Having discovered this wonderful design for a paper Enigma machine, which uses a standard size crisp tube and does a pretty good job of encoding things like an Enigma machine, I decided it was worth trying it out. What better opportunity to use something which can encode secret messages than to send messages between two monthly Maths Jam events via the medium of Twitter? The public sending of the messages would be incomprehensible to anyone not willing to get their hands dirty with a crisp tube and scissors. Unless they’ve got an actual Enigma machine.
MathsJam April 2012 Photos
If you’ve taken a picture at a MathsJam and you’d like to share it, please submit it to our tumblr.
Newcastle MathsJam April 2012 Recap
April’s MathsJam was very enjoyable. We did a bit of arts and crafts, a bit of playing games, and if it had been NBA Jam instead of Maths Jam I would have been entirely on fire because I used up all my IQ points solving some very fun puzzles. Durham were still on their Easter holidays so the attendance was a modest six people. That was just enough for everyone to be doing the same thing at the same time, so we had a good time.
Continue reading “Newcastle MathsJam April 2012 Recap” on cp’s mathem-o-blog