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PhD proposal in maths/engineering higher education

My university is advertising 30 fully funded PhD scholarships for autumn 2016. Basically, there are a list of projects and which ones get funded depends on applications. I am lead on a proposal for a topic in maths/engineering higher education. The description is below, and I would be grateful if you could bring it to the attention of anyone who might be interested.

Project title: The contribution of multi-disciplinary problem-solving interventions to undergraduate employability skills development
Description: Universities are increasingly keen to emphasise employability skills development. For example, Sheffield Hallam University is ambitious to deliver academically-challenging programmes with an emphasis on professional practice. Graduate professional qualifications including Chartered Engineer, Chartered Mathematician and Chartered Scientist highlight the importance of teamwork, communication and interpersonal skills, both with specialists and non-specialists. This project will explore the contribution of cross-disciplinary working to this agenda by developing learning and teaching interventions with multi-disciplinary groups of undergraduates. The research will focus on the processes by which undergraduate students acquire, apply and disseminate knowledge from different disciplines to solve complex problems.

There are two routes for funding – one is a Graduate Teaching Assistantship, meaning up to six hours contact with undergraduates per week, which is how I think I would prefer to do an educational PhD.

There are a lot more details about the scheme and how to apply.

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