Here’s a round-up of some news we didn’t cover on the Aperiodical in the last couple of months.
You're reading: Posts Tagged: Vicky Neale
Podcasting About: Maths + Cancer
In this series of posts, we’ll be featuring mathematical podcasts from all over the internet, by speaking to the creators of the podcast and asking them about what they do. For this special edition, we’re featuring the Maths + Cancer podcast, which was hosted by the late Vicky Neale.
We spoke to Dyrol Lumbard, from the University of Oxford’s Mathematical Institute.
Aperiodical News Roundup – March, April & some of May 2023
It’s been a busy few months! As per our name, here’s an aperiodically-timed round up of things that have happened in the world of maths in the last few months.
Review: Why Study Mathematics, by Vicky Neale

In fact, St Andrews offered a French for Scientists course, so I ended up doing Maths with French. A win all round.
I can pinpoint the exact moment it became clear I would study maths at university. Parents’ evening, year 12, I mentioned to my French teacher that I was thinking about a French degree. He looked at me as if I was stupid and said something like “you’re good at French, but you’re GOOD at maths. Besides, a French degree isn’t much use.” Alright, fine. Maths it is. He was spot-on. I never looked back.
Aperiodical News Round-up – September 2020
Here’s a round-up of some mathematical news stories from this month.
IWD 2020: Books about Maths by Women
For International Women’s Day, mathematician Lucy Rycroft-Smith has read a selection of maths books by women authors, and recommended some favourites.
There’s a strange irony about being a woman in mathematics. You spend a huge amount of time and energy answering questions about being a woman in mathematics instead of, you know, using that time and energy to do or write about actual maths. We women are somehow both the problem and the solution.
But behold: 2020 is here, and better and braver women than I have solved this conundrum. Here are a whole host of excellent books about maths by women that you should definitely read, collected for you by another woman in maths.
The Big Internet Math-Off 2019, Group 3 – Vicky Neale vs Jim Propp
This is the third match in round 1: from Group 3, it’s Vicky Neale, vs Jim Propp. The pitches are below, and at the end of this post there’s a poll where you can vote for your favourite bit of maths.
Take a look at both pitches, vote for the bit of maths that made you do the loudest “Aha!”, and if you know any more cool facts about either of the topics presented here, please write a comment below!